We are into the last month of 2020, so is it a good time to switch jobs? Our China Practice Consultant, Nicole HU, has written an article (in Chinese) to share her thoughts on this topic. Please connect with her on LinkedIn to join the conversation.
Written by Nicole Hu, China Practice Consultant at Lewis Sanders
Nicole focuses on placing PRC lawyers and compliance professionals within both commerce and private practice sectors across Hong Kong and China. Prior to joining Lewis Sanders, Nicole worked with an international recruitment firm in Hong Kong dealing with mid to senior level in-house legal and compliance positions in the greater China region. Before being a recruiter, Nicole was an event producer specialising in designing and delivering legal and compliance conferences across Asia Pacific.
年底将近, 这时候适合跳槽吗?
We are into the last month of 2020, so is it a good time to switch jobs? Our China Practice Consultant, Nicole HU, has written an article (in Chinese) to share her thoughts on this topic. Please connect with her on LinkedIn to join the conversation.
Written by Nicole Hu, China Practice Consultant at Lewis Sanders
Nicole focuses on placing PRC lawyers and compliance professionals within both commerce and private practice sectors across Hong Kong and China. Prior to joining Lewis Sanders, Nicole worked with an international recruitment firm in Hong Kong dealing with mid to senior level in-house legal and compliance positions in the greater China region. Before being a recruiter, Nicole was an event producer specialising in designing and delivering legal and compliance conferences across Asia Pacific.
年底将近, 这时候适合跳槽吗?
一转眼2020就剩下1个月了,今年受疫情以及政治大环境多变的影响,整个就业市场相比往年确实”冷清”了很多, 尤其是上半年,基本上大部分律所都是headcount frozen的状态, 对需要找工作 / 换工作的人来说今年确实有点”艰难”. 但是我们也有注意到下半年形势比上半年有所好转,一些国际所开始重启招人计划,特别是在资本市场、诉讼/合规以及投融资并购领域,对于中高级人才的需求有所增加, 相信相关领域的律师们早已接到过很多猎头的电话,那么这个时候很多人都会思考一个问题: 现在已经快年底了, 这个时候我该跳槽吗?还是应该等到年后再说?
为什么会有这样的顾虑呢?从跟很多候选人的沟通来看, 主要的顾虑来自于这几个方面:
要回答这个问题我想更多还是得从候选人自身的处境来分析。因为经济大环境的好坏不受我们控制,今年不好但谁也不能保证明年经济能变好,若是这样的话我们是不是就一直不跳槽了?这个因素太难把控,我们能做的是好好分析一下在你目前的位置上, 你开心吗?还能学到新的技能还能成长吗?还有上升空间吗?若是这几个问题的答案都是否定的, 那么相信你自己已经知道答案了。
也许还有人会纠结现在离开的话那岂不是会损失年底bonus毕竟辛苦了一年了? 首先,这不是一个决定性因素,不应该作为是否应该跳槽的标准。其次,在目前的经济形势下,公司是否会像往年一样给bonus还是个未知数(顶级律所自动给bonus的除外), 我们更应该考虑的是,从长远的角度来看,下一个机会能带给你的收获跟暂时的bonus相比,哪个更多? 如果是前者,那答案也就不言而喻了。
另外,以过往的经验来看,选择年底前跳槽还有一些其他的优势: 比如竞争少,毕竟大家都想着年后跳槽呢,如果这时候你坚定要跳槽,那么你拿到offer 的机会比年后跳会更高; 另外从雇主的角度来说, 雇主也会希望赶紧在年底前把今年的headcount都close掉以免明年失去这个headcount, 那么在这个候选人少、雇主又希望赶紧找到人的情况下,对求职者也会更有利。
当然每个case都不一样,现实情况有可能会更复杂需要具体问题具体分析, 所以欢迎大家来找我咨询沟通, 希望能给在求职路上有疑惑的大家一点小小的帮助。:)
微信号: h545907995
电邮: nhu@lewissanders.com
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