The hiring activity in the legal industry so far has been very vibrant compared to this time last year. Our China Consultant, Nicole Hu, provides her insights and predictions on the hiring trends in mainland China for 2021 in this article (in Chinese). Do connect with her on LinkedIn or WeChat to join the conversation.
Nicole focuses on placing PRC lawyers and compliance professionals within both commerce and private practice sectors across Hong Kong and China. Prior to joining Lewis Sanders, Nicole worked with an international recruitment firm in Hong Kong dealing with mid to senior level in-house legal and compliance positions in the greater China region. Before being a recruiter, Nicole was an event producer specialising in designing and delivering legal and compliance conferences across Asia Pacific.
The hiring activity in the legal industry so far has been very vibrant compared to this time last year. Our China Consultant, Nicole Hu, provides her insights and predictions on the hiring trends in mainland China for 2021 in this article (in Chinese). Do connect with her on LinkedIn or WeChat to join the conversation.
Nicole focuses on placing PRC lawyers and compliance professionals within both commerce and private practice sectors across Hong Kong and China. Prior to joining Lewis Sanders, Nicole worked with an international recruitment firm in Hong Kong dealing with mid to senior level in-house legal and compliance positions in the greater China region. Before being a recruiter, Nicole was an event producer specialising in designing and delivering legal and compliance conferences across Asia Pacific.
经历了2020 年疫情的不稳定后,尽管现在疫情还没完全好转,世界的政治经济还是充满了各种不稳定性。但是伴随着新年的开始,亚太地区经济活动的逐渐复苏,我们明显感受到法律招聘市场也在逐渐回暖。近3个月以来,各大律师事务所的招聘活动非常活跃,招聘需求最大的主要集中几个领域, 包括资本市场,破产重组、私募并购, 诉讼仲裁,反腐败调查合规,基金投资等领域。
从招聘职位的经验要求来看,去年我们非常明显的感受是客户的需求主要集中在中高级律师这个级别上。对于刚毕业的新毕业生或者初级律师的岗位需求非常少,所以去年对于初级律师求职找工作是非常艰难的一年。而今年,虽然各个领域对于能够带项目的中高级律师的需求依然很旺盛, 但是一个好的现象是一些外所开始慢慢增加对初级律师的需求,领域主要集中在今年业务非常繁忙的资本市场、反腐败合规,基金投资等领域,这给了一些想要去外资所锻炼、发展的初级律师提供了很好的机会。
从行业来看,去年疫情对于传统行业带来了很大的冲击,特别是零售,旅游,航空航天,餐饮等领域业务收到了很大的影响。但以此对应的,很多企业也及时转变,加大对互联网的运用,使得企业的业务和日常运营得到正常运转,甚至在某些方面由于对科技的合理运用,从而降低了企业的运营成本,提高了工作效率。 所以相信科技产业在2021年依旧会非常坚韧。除此之外,疫情催生的新机会,例如健康产业,线上购物及支付行业,视频、直播行业会依旧保持强劲。
虽然现在疫情还没完全恢复,但是大部分人的心态相比去年已经好了很多。相较于去年非常保守的求职态度,今年新年以来,来咨询求职了解新机会的人越来越多,一季度较去年达到新高,这也是大家对今年市场看好的一种表现。 希望随着疫苗的面世,在我们每一个人的努力下,大家2021 都会牛气冲天!
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